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The truth is your video campaign isn't going viral, and that is a good thing.

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

"But the more views I get the more sales I will get"

We have been producing online video content since the first cute cat video was uploaded to Youtube. In that time, video usage online has consistently (and dramatically) grown, and so have the requests from businesses for a 'Viral Video Campaign'.

What does that mean?

Everybody that uploads a video, be it a business venture or an adorable pet being adorable, wants their video to find an audience. In this instance, the client is talking about the number of views the video has; they want it to get lots and lots of views. They might also be referring to the period in which it receives those views; they want lots and lots of views quickly. That is 100% possible, but let's look at what we know about other viral videos.

The reasons videos go viral

There are several reasons that a video might go viral, that is, to have several million views within two weeks of publishing.

OMG, it's so cute/funny I'm going to die...

Whether it's Charlie bit my finger or Grumpy Cat (RIP) the cute/funny factor can help a video go viral, but there is a lot of competition. Kids biting one another just won't cut it in 2019, monkey CPR and Panda sneezes have been done. Cute or funny videos are great, but most of them rely on being in the right place at the right time. Sadly, fads are a bit of a factor of some forms of viral video, remember planking? The Mannequin Challenge?

Shock, Horror

Another form of video that often goes viral is the shocking revelation; sometimes it's a regular person doing something amazing/terrible, or it's a political figure/celebrity. Naturally, there are plenty of other reasons a video goes viral, a sentimental piece, or a worthwhile cause garnering much-needed awareness.

The one you don't want to go viral

Even the smallest of businesses can go viral for the wrong reasons.

While it might be irresistible to use the currently trending hashtags to give your post more reach, it is worth doing your research first to avoid using a hashtag set up for awareness or a sensitive subject to promote your business. Sadly, it happens more regularly than we'd like to admit.

I didn't pay for this honest...

If you have ever seen a video at the top of Youtube or that has millions of views, and you ask yourself 'why?' the likelihood is that those views have been paid for. Paying for views or page ranking can be dangerous as your Youtube account can be shut down if you get caught, and it can become quite costly.

Viral video; no thanks

When you look at the videos that go viral, very few of them are promoting a business. Occasionally a bigger brand will break through with a viral campaign, but these go beyond the video, with vast amounts of cash spent on social media and PPC advertising. For the brands that can afford to spend the money making something go viral, the return on investment from the campaign isn't their biggest priority.

If you are spending a portion of your marketing budget on a video campaign, you want to know that it is being seen by people who might actually become customers. The key to a successful video marketing campaign is targeting; know who you are aiming it at, and make sure they see it. The truth is that you shouldn't want your video to go viral because millions of views aren't going to help your business.

For a product or remote service based business, a global reach is the dream, but if you can't handle an immediately increased demand, it could be more damaging than prosperous. We all have read 'that' rags to riches tale of a small business propelled to viral status and it all works out. While that can be the case, it is the exception, not the standard.

When it comes to your video marketing it is the engaged, targeted followers that will help you build a sustainable presence for your business.

Find out how you can build a sustainable and cost effective video marketing strategy for your business with our Ice Cream Model of Video Marketing.


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